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Work at Wayne State

40. 'Modified Exchange and Magnetic Interactions between Trapped Excitons in Defective 2D Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskites', Maria Munoz, Adedayo M. Sanni, Destiny Konadu, Amos Afugu, Zhen-Fei Liu, Aaron S. Rury, and Angela R. Hight-Walker, in preparation

39. 'Characterizing energy transfer between the Bx and By states of model porphyrin chromophores using Herzberg-Teller coupling', Hasini Medagedara, Sachithra T. Wanasinghe, and Aaron S. Rury, in preparation

38. 'Assessing the determinants of cavity polariton relaxation using angle-resolved photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy', Elizabeth Odewale, Sachithra T. Wanasinghe, and Aaron S. Rury, submitted

37.'Deciphering Between Enhanced Light Emission and Absorption in Multi-mode Molecular Cavity Polariton Samples', Elizabeth Odewale, Aleksandr G. Avramenko, and Aaron S. Rury accepted at Nanophotonics

36. 'Decorrelated Singlet and Triplet Exciton Delocalization in Weakly Bound Porphyrin Dimers', Hasini Medagedara, Teferi Mandefro, Sachithra T. Wanasinghe, Jens Niklas, Oleg Poluektov, and Aaron S. Rury, Chemical Science, 2024, 15, 1736-1751

35. 'Motional Narrowing through Photonic Exchange: Rational Design of Excitonic Disorder from Molecular Cavity Polariton Formation', Sachithra T. Wanasinghe, Adelina, Gjoni, Wade Burson*, Caris Majeski*, Bradly Zaslona*, and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024, 15, 2405-2418

34. 'Spacer Dependent Excited State Structural Reorganization in Ag-Bi Double Perovskite-like Quantum Wells' Adedayo M. Sanni, Tyler Danielson*, and Aaron S. Rury, in preparation

33. 'Evidence of defect-induced broadband light emission from 2D Ag–Bi double perovskites grown at liquid–liquid interfaces', Aaron S. Rury, Adedayo M Sanni, Destiny Konadu, Tyler Danielson*, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 011101, (2023); invited contribution to the 2022 Emerging Investigators Collection

32. 'Molecular cavity polariton formation using multimode resonator structures', Aaron S. Rury, Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Materials and Interfaces XXI, 12199,1219902

31. 'Cavity Polaritons formed from Spatially Separated Quasi-degenerate Porphyrin Excitons: Structural Modulations of Bright and Dark State Energies and Compositions', Aleksandr G. Avramenko and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126, 15776–15787

30. 'Light Emission from Vibronic Polaritons in Coupled Metalloporphyrin-Multi-mode Cavity Systems' Aleksandr G. Avramenko and Aaron S. Rury The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2022, 13, 4036-4045

29. 'Vibrational Probes of Temperature Dependent Structure in Crystalline Methylbenzimidazole', Sachithra Wanasinghe, Sydney N. Lavan, Adedayo M. Sanni, and Aaron S. Rury, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2022, 120,103384

28. 'Defect-Induced Narrowband Light Emission from a 2D Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskite', Adedayo M. Sanni, Sydney N. Lavan, Zhen-Fei Liu, and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 28004–28012

27.  'Local molecular probes of ultrafast relaxation in strongly coupled metalloporphyrin-cavity systems.' Aleksandr G. Avramenko and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 155, 064702, (2021); invited contribution to the special issue on cavity polaritons

26.  'Characterization of the Ammonium Bending Vibrations in Two-Dimensional Hybrid Lead-Halide Perovskites from Raman Spectroscopy and First-Principles Calculations.' Sydney N. Lavan, Adedayo M. Sanni, Aaron S. Rury, and Zhen-Fei Liu, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 223-236

25.  'Kinetic Molecular Cationic Control of Defect-Induced Broadband Light Emission in 2D Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskites.' Adedayo M. Sanni, and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12, 101-110

24.  'Anharmonic Molecular Vibrational Probes of Dynamical Organic-Inorganic Interactions in 2D Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskites' Adedayo M. Sanni, Sydney N. Lavan, and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 13942-13955

23.  'Structural Anharmonicity Explains Continuous Frequency Shifts of Intramolecular Ring Vibrations in a Hydrogen-Bonded         Antiferroelectric Crystal', Sydney N. Lavan, Cathleen A.Saraza, Kanwar Bhullar*, Sardou Sabeyo-Yonto*, Adedayo M. Sanni, and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 12933-12947

22.  'Quantum Control of Ultrafast Internal Conversion using Nanoconfined Virtual Photons', Aleksandr G. Avramenko and Aaron S. Rury, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11, 1013-1021

21.  'Interrogating the Structure of Molecular Cavity Polaritons with Resonance Raman Scattering: An Experimentally Motivated Theoretical Description', Aleksandr G. Avramenko and  Aaron S. RuryThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 30551-30561

20.  'Probing the Fabry-Perot Modes of Self-Assembled Excitonic Microcrystals with Subgap Light Emission', Adedayo M. Sanni, Shofikur Shohag*, and Aaron S. RuryThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 23103-23112

19.  'Room Temperature Broadband Light Emission From Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskite-Like Quantum Wells: THz Spectroscopic Investigation of Metastable Defects', Adedayo M. Sanni, Sydney N. Lavan, Aleksandr Avramenko, Federico Rabuffetti,                                    Leopoldo Suescun, and Aaron S. RuryThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10, 1653-1662

18.  'Defects Cause Subgap Luminescence from a Crystalline Tetracene Derivative', R. Eric McAnally, Jon A. Bender, Laura Estergreen, Ralf Haiges, Stephen E. Bradforth, Jahan M. Dawlaty, Sean T. Roberts, and Aaron S. RuryThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2017, 8, 5993–6001


                *indicates undergraduate researcher

Work before Wayne State

17. ‘Rabi-like Vibrational Coherence Transfer in a Hydrogen-Bonded Charge Transfer Crystal, Aaron S. Rury, and Jahan M. Dawlaty, Physical Review B, 95, 214309, (2017)

16. ‘Evidence of Ultrafast Charge Transfer Driven by Coherent Lattice Vibrations’, Aaron S. Rury, Shayne Sorenson and Jahan M. Dawlaty, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2017, 8, pp 181–187

15. ‘Solvent Forces Drive Stacking Interactions between Polyaromatic Molecules’ Aaron S. Rury, Christine Ferry, Jonathan Ryan Hunt,               Myungjin Lee, Dibyendu Mondal, Sean M. O. O'Connell, Ethan N. H. Phan, Zaili Peng, Pavel Pokhilko, Daniel Sylvinson, Yingsheng Zhou, and Chi H. Mak, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, pp 23858–23869

14. ‘Coherent Vibrational Probes of Hydrogen Bond Structure Following Ultrafast Electron Transfer’, Aaron S. Rury, Shayne A. Sorenson and Jahan M. Dawlaty, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, pp 21740–21750

13. ‘Resonant interactions between discrete phonons in quinhydrone driven by nonlinear electron-phonon coupling’ Aaron S. Rury, Physical Review B, 93, 214307 (2016)

12. ‘Intermolecular electron transfer from intramolecular excitation and coherent acoustic phonon generation in a hydrogen-bonded charge-          transfer solid, Aaron S. Rury, Shayne Sorenson, and Jahan M. Dawlaty, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 104701 (2016)

11. ‘Electronic State-Resolved Electron-Phonon Coupling in an Organic Charge Transfer Material from Broadband Quantum Beat Spectroscopy’, Aaron S. Rury, Shayne Sorenson, Eric Driscoll, and Jahan M. Dawlaty, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2015, 6, pp 3560−3564

10. ‘All-electronic line width narrowing of a semiconductor diode laser using a crystalline micro-cavity’, Aaron S. Rury, Kamjou Mansour, and Nan Yu, Applied Physics B (2015) 120:155–160

9. ‘Energy cascades, excited state dynamics and photochemistry in cobalamins and metalloporphyrins’ Aaron S. Rury, Theodore Wiley, and Roseanne Sension, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2015, 48, pp 860-867

8. ‘Progress towards whispering gallery mode resonator based spectroscopy in mid-infrared’, Kamjou Mansour, Aaron S. Rury, Ivan S.              Grudinin, Nan Yu, SPIE LASE, 89600Y-89600Y-8, (2014)

7.‘Coherent control of plasmonic spectra using the orbital angular momentum of light’ Aaron S. Rury, Physical Review B, 88, 215132, (2013)

6. ‘Broadband ultrafast transient absorption of iron (III) tetraphenylporphyrin chloride in the condensed phase’ Aaron S. Rury, and Roseanne Sension, Chemical Physics, 422, 2013, pp. 220-228

5. ‘Examining resonant inelastic spontaneous scattering of classical Laguerre-Gauss beams from molecules’ Aaron S. Rury, Physical Review A, 87, 043408, (2013)

4. ‘Mie scattering of purely azimuthal Laguerre-Gauss Beams: Angular momentum-induced transparency’ Aaron S. Rury and Richard Freeling, Physical Review A, 86, 053830, (2012)

3. ‘Ligand Recruitment and Spin Transitions in the Solid-State Photochemistry of Fe(III)TPPCl’ Aaron S. Rury, Lauren Goodrich, Mary Grace Galinato, Nicolai Lehnert and Roseanne Sension, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012, 116, pp. 8321-8333

2. ‘Ultrafast electrocyclic ring opening of 7-dehydrocholesterol in solution: The influence of solvent on excited state dynamics’ Kuo-Chun Tang, Aaron S. Rury, Michael B. Orozco, Joshua Egendorf, Kenneth G. Spears and Roseanne J. Sension, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 104503 (2011)

1. ‘Solvent-Dependent Cage Dynamics of Small Nonpolar Radicals: Lessons from the Photodissociation and Geminate Recombination of            Alkylcobalamins’ Andrew B. Stickrath, Elizabeth C. Carroll, Xiaochuan Dai, D. Ahmasi Harris, Aaron S. Rury, Broc Smith, Kuo-Chun Tang, Jonathan Wert and Roseanne J. Sension, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009, 113, pp 8513-8522

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